Hyaluronic Acid For Lips

hyaluronic acid lips

Is Hyaluronic Acid Naturally Found in Lips?

The lips are a core of skeletal muscle covered by skin tissue. The dermal layer of the lips is composed primarily of connective tissue and its components (hyaluronic acid and collagen). Hyaluronic acid binds to water creating a gelatinous fluid that hydrates the surrounding tissue and keeps the collagen (responsible for maintaining tight skin) nourished and healthy. The result is healthy well – hydrated, and plump lips.

Can you Use Hyaluronic Acid on Lips?

As hyaluronic acid is a key ingredient used in cosmetic fillers, it is certainly safe to use on your lips. It can be applied in a couple of ways including serum, and lip balms. To use a serum as a hydrating mask or primer, simply apply a couple of drops directly onto your clean lips before applying your usual lip wear.

Our Favorite Hyaluronic Acid Products for Your Lips

There are many products on the market containing hyaluronic acid, so to help you choose which one is right for you, we have listed our favorites below. Be sure to follow specific product instructions to get the maximum benefit.