FAQ's about Hyaluronic Acid

What is Hyaluronic Acid?

Hyaluronic Acid is a special mucopolysaccharide occurring naturally throughout the human body. Its function in the body is, amongst other things, to bind water and to lubricate movable parts of the body, such as joints and muscles.

Its consistency and tissue-friendliness allows it to be used in skin-care products as an excellent moisturizer. Hyaluronic Acid is one of the most hydrophilic molecules in nature and can be described as “nature’s moisturizer”.

Where does your Hyaluronic Acid come from?

It comes from an extracellular protein produced by a fermentation process. Our products are not derived from any animal source and are not tested on animals. Hypersensitivity reactions should not be a concern.

The weight of the molecule directly influences its “moisture-binding” capability. Synthovial Seven® is the highest molecular weight HA on the market, which explains the phenomenal results that have been experienced to date.

How does HA compare to Glucosamine or Chondroitin?

Glucosamine is a precursor of Hyaluronic Acid. Hyaluronic Acid in turn makes the synovial fluid. Glucosamine must combine with a glucoronic acid molecule to make Hyaluronic Acid.

Often times the body is not able to join these two molecules together and the production of the needed Hyal­uronic Acid is never achieved. By administering Hyaluronic Acid, you take away the risk of this integral process not happening and may see results with Hyaluronic Acid that you did not see with glucosamine or chondroitin.

Why is the molecular weight of supplemental Hyaluronic Acid important?

A study done by Wobig et al in 1999, compared Hyaluronic Acids of vari­ous molecular weights and found there are far more benefits derived from higher-molecular weight acid.

The higher molecular weight acid can hold more water, has better lubrication properties and better shock absorbing properties. The Hyaluronic Acid in HyaFlex is one of the purest and high in molecular weight.

Are these products safe?

Since Hyaluronic Acid occurs naturally in the body, taking small amounts of HA in our products should be of no health concern. In fact Hyaluronic Acid is non-toxic at doses a hundred times the standard suggestion of 7 drops of Synthovial Seven®.

Because it is an acid will it burn my skin or stomach?

Hyaluronic Acid is often called an acid and this is a misnomer. Hyaluronic Acid as a sodium salt (sodium hyaluronate ) will have a neutral pH measurement not an acidic. Because of the water retention capacity of Hy­aluronic Acid, it is actually a very good moisturizer for the skin and is being used in many facial creams and body lotions.

Why do I need a Hyaluronic Acid supplement?

Hyaluronic Acid is naturally produced by the body as a constituent of synovial fluid that lubricates the cartilage between the joints. As we age, the body produces less HA and it becomes more difficult to replace the lost HA.

Over time, the cartilage and other structures of the joint begin to break down. In some people, a small amount of inflammation breaks down the hyaluronic acid so that proper lubrication is lost. Joints become stiff and movement is painful. HA supplements pick up where our bodies fail us.

When Hyaluronic Acid is taken orally, does the stomach acid break it down so you don’t receive the benefits?

At one time it was thought that stomach acid destroyed the HA molecule. More recent research has shown a large portion of the molecule goes undisturbed by the stomach acid and goes on to be absorbed in the small intestine.

Since Synthovial Seven® is of such high molecular weight (hence its effectiveness), we employ a special process of buffering the pH to make the transport into the small intestine more efficient. Also, Synthovial Seven® is one of the purest, most absorbable medical or pharmaceutical grade of HA available.

The old adage…”We are not what we eat, but what we absorb and assimilate” is absolutely true, especially with Hyaluronic Acid supplementation

What does HA do for my joints?

The HA in Synthovial Seven® helps to improve joint movement and cushioning. If we compare the joints of the human body to and automobile engine, the joint fluid in the body mimics the oil in a car engine. At regular intervals we replace the oil in our car engines because the heat and friction breaks down the oils viscosity.

The oil becomes thinner and less able to protect the metal surfaces from excessive wear. Synthovial Seven® acts the same way in our joints. As we age the viscosity of the joint fluid breaks down and becomes thin and is unable to cushion the joint cartilage. This leads to increased friction and wear on the cartilage surfaces of the joints. Taking Synthovial Seven® helps to restore the normal viscosity of joint fluid and to prevent further damage to the joint.

What if I don’t have joint problems?

If you are not currently experiencing joint problems then Synthovial Seven® may be used to provide benefits in the long run. Just as we change the oil in our car to help prevent problems, taking Synthovial Seven® may help limit the amount of joint damage due to aging or daily abuse by maintaining proper joint fluid viscosity.

Also, our Hyaluronic Acid production slows down considerably as we age, which accounts in part for the wrinkling of the skin, the joint pain, arterial degeneration, etc., so it makes good sense to compensate with supplemental HA.

Why is HA important in the health and maintenance of tendons and ligaments?

Connective tissue is found everywhere in the body. It does much more than merely connect body parts; it has many forms and functions. Its major functions include binding, support, protection, and insulation. One such example of connective tissue is the cordlike structures that connect muscle to bone (tendons) and bone to bone (ligaments). In all connective tissue there are three structural elements.

They are ground substance (hyaluronic acid), stretchy fibres (collagen and elastin) and a fundamental cell type. Whereas all other primary tissues in the body are composed mainly of living cells, connective tissues are composed largely of a non-living ground substance, the hyaluronic acid, which separates and cushions the living cells of the connective tissue.

The separation and cushioning allow the tissue to bear weight, withstand great tension and endure abuse that no other body tissue could. All of this is made possible because of the presence of the HA and its ability to form the gelatinous ground substance fluid.

Why do I need Synthovial SEVENTM?

HA is naturally produced by the body as a constituent of synovial fluid that lubricates the cartilage between the joints. As we age, the body produces less high molecular weight HA. The HA in Synthovial Seven® helps the body in maintaining a proper amount of HA needed for normal body function.

Can Synthovial Seven be taken with glucosamine and chondroitin?

If you are already taking other supplements or medication for joint pain, taking Synthovial Seven® can enhance the effects of your current medications. While HA is in the “family” of glycosaminoglycans, it is unique in its restorative ability, and will often provide improvement, where glucosamine and chondroitin have failed to do so.

The synergistic action of all of these molecules is of course, the optimal way to address joint pain and stiffness, as they all represent the materials that comprise the matrix of our connective tissues.

How does Hyaluronic Acid help the eyes?

Hyaluronic Acid acts as a shock absorber and lubricant and keeps the structures of the eye snug so that they work optimally. Think of how different it feels to walk barefoot on a hard surface—you can feel the shock in your legs and hips—versus walking with soft shoes or cushioned insoles.

Most of this skeletal shock is transferred up the vertebral column to the skull and the eyes and brain. It only makes sense to have a shock absorber within the eyes to stabilize vision and protect delicate eye tissues. As in the joints, Hyaluronic Acid also helps aid transport of nutrients. Hyaluronic acid in the eye is found in a structure called the vitreous humour, which is a clear gel that fills the central part of the eye.

It is formed by a network of collagen and Hyaluronic Acid and occupies about 80 percent of the eyeball’s volume. The Hyaluronic Acid molecules are large coils that hold water; in the vitreous they are entrapped in a matrix of collagen fibres.

Most of the collagen is at the surface region of the vitreous, where it comes in contact with the rest of the eye, giving it a somewhat more solid surface. There is less collagen in the central region, which is a more liquid portion, comprised of about 99 percent water. Collagen fibrils attach the vitreous gel to points around its margin, particularly to the retinal and lens structures.

Common eye problems that occur with aging: Floaters, Posterior Vitreous Detachment and Light Flashes

The original three-dimensional net-like structure of collagen fibres begin to deteriorate once body growth has halted at adolescence. This deterioration is slow and involves having some strands of collagen clump up, and some of the original compartments of gel merge into larger compartments.

At this point, “floaters” may begin to appear, usually in people between 40 and 70 years of age, but can occur earlier in the nearsighted or those that have undergone cataract surgery. Many people believe that these floaters are materials released into the eye, when, in fact, they are shadows on the retina from light encountering the irregularities in the gel matrix. Such irregularities are mainly caused by coalesced collagen filaments, which form fibrils.

The floaters are especially visible while looking at a plain, well-lit background. Floaters look like spots, dots, or curly lines that move with your eye and appear suspended in front of you. Flashes of light are also a common eye complaint, a symptom of posterior vitreal detachment (PVD), and are produced from the pulling on the retinal tissue as the gel separates.

The pulling fires the nerves on the retina, producing a flashing image. In serious PVD where a retinal haemorrhage occurs, people see a shower of sparks. Large haemorrhages can produce large blobs in the field of vision and you could even suffer a retinal tear which can be much more serious since the vitreous can get behind the tear, pushing even more retinal tissue loose.

Most PVDs aren’t associated with retinal tears, but one thing’s for sure, there’s a correlation between the breakdown of Hyaluronic Acid within the vitreous and the breakdown of intercellular Hyaluronic Acid in the dermis, the vessels, and the synovial fluid.

Supplements for Eye Health

The human eye is the only place in the body where both the nerves and blood vessels of the body can be fully visualized without cutting into the body. The eyes literally act as a window to the status of your health.

With macular degeneration, diabetes, and high blood pressure leading to an ever-increasing number of people to lose some or all of their vision, now is the time to take charge.

It is imperative to be proactive when it comes to your health, especially your eyes. After all, when you become forced to be reactive in the arena of health, you are already behind and are trying to play catch up to regain your health, rather than more simply maintaining it.

Now that oral bio-identical HMW Hyaluronic Acid has been proven to be absorbed by the body and so much of the eye is made up of HA, it could be an excellent idea to supplement Hyaluronic Acid for better overall eye health.

Another powerful nutrient is a carotenoid called lutein that concentres in the lens of the eye. Lutein is a yellow pigment typically derived from marigolds and yellow foods. This is no accident because yellow is perfect for battling photon damage caused by UV-B light. Other related carotenoids that can help are zeaxanthins, also yellow and derived from corn (Zea mays).

By battling photon damage, lutein and zeaxanthin help protect the eyes from cataracts, Age Related Macular Degeneration (ARMD) and glaucoma. It is more effective for photon damage than alpha or beta carotene or even lycopene.

Lutein can even inhibit the lipofuscin in the eye. Lipofuscin is also known as liver or age spots on the skin. Lipofuscin forms in the eye and is a specific type of cellular trash that builds with age and diminishes the function of nerves in the body.

Zinc protects the macula and the optic nerve, battling ARMD by blocking damage from UV-A radiation. For proof, look at how zinc oxide cream is used to protect the skin from the sun. It is also helpful against night blindness.

Bilberry (a wild European blueberry not unlike wild American Huckleberries) has been made famous during World War 2 when RAF pilots were given bilberry jam to fight night blindness by restoring visual rhodopsin. You may not know about rhodopsin, but you’ve seen the effects of a lack of it if you walk into a dark theatre and can’t sit for about 5 minutes because your dark adaptation is impaired.

Many other antioxidants like vitamins A, C and E can help prevent destruction of the fragile structures of the eye. When it comes to protecting the eye, it is definitely a team effort.

Where does the Hyaluronic Acid in HyaFlex™ come from?

The HA in HyaFlex™ comes from an extracellular protein produced by natural fermentation. This product is not derived from any animal source. Hypersensitivity reactions should not be a concern.

What does Hyaluronic Acid do for my pet’s joints?

The HA in HyaFlex™ helps to improve joint movement and cushioning. If we compare the joints of your pet’s body to an automobile engine, the joint fluid in their body mimics the oil in a car engine. At regular intervals we replace the oil in our car engines because the heat and friction breakdown the oils viscosity.

The oil becomes thinner and less able to protect the metal surfaces from excessive wear. HyaFlex™ acts the same way in our joints. As your pet ages, the viscosity of their joint fluid breaks down and becomes thin and is unable to cushion the joint cartilage. This leads to increased friction on the cartilage surfaces of their joints. Taking HyaFlex™ helps maintain the normal viscosity of joint fluid.

What if my pet doesn’t have joint issues?

If your pet is not currently experiencing joint issues then HyaFlex™ may be used to provide benefits in the long run. Just as we change the oil in our car to help stop problems, taking HyaFlex™ may help your pets by maintaining proper joint fluid viscosity.

How do I give HyaFlex™ to my pet?

Just administer the specified amount (shown on the side of the box) of HyaFlex™ to your pet once daily. HyaFlex™ is odourless and tasteless so your pet won’t even notice it. Each bottle of HyaFlex™ contains a 30-60 day supply depending on the weight of the animal.

Why is the Episilk™ Hand & Body Lotion formulation superior to others?

This product was formulated around the feedback from customers who wanted a product that would be free of harmful ingredients and that would help to retain skin moisture. HA has been added in high enough concentrations to be effective and has been formulated with other highly beneficial ingredients that also support skin health.

Can Episilk™ Facial Mist be used with other Episilk Serums?

Yes, it can. Episilk™ Facial Mist can be regularly used with other Episilk™ products.

Will Episilk™ Premium Facial Cream clog my pores and cause breakouts?

No. It is fragrance free and does not contain mineral oil, petroleum or other pore clogging ingredients and can be used on all skin types.

Do I apply Episilk™ Premium Facial Cream to all areas on my face?

To reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, it should be applied only on the areas that need to be treated.

Are Episilk™ Skin Care Products tested on animals?

No, none of our products are tested on animals.

Can I use Episilk™ Premium Facial Cream with any of the Episilk™ Serums?

Yes, many people have found that using the premium facial cream along with the serums gives them wonderful results.

Can I use the Hand and Body Lotion with my other skin care products?

Yes. Episilk Hand & Body Lotion can be used with any skin care product.